Monday, August 24, 2015

Free Seminar -Women In Hunting, with Maria Young

According to statistics from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the number of female hunters increased from almost 14% to 16.5% between 2002 and 2009. Increases were across the board in archery, firearms, and muzzleloader, with participation in muzzleloader hunting actually more than doubling.

According to research, 72 percent more women are hunting with firearms today than just five years ago. And 50 percent more women are now target shooting.

So, how does a woman get started in hunting? What are the challenges? What can you expect?

This is YOUR chance to learn at the 2015 Fall Hunting Classic:

Saturday, August 29, 3 p.m. - Maria Young, “Women in Hunting”

Iowan Maria Young does it all and you can, too!

In Maria’s own words, she is a Mother, wife, huntress, and  entrepreneur. I have a passion for life and helping others succeed.“  She got into hunting as a way to enjoy the outdoors with her husband. She is passing that passion on to her three daughters.

Come meet Maria and learn more about the benefits and rewards of hunting, including more time with your family!

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