Monday, February 8, 2016

Go Take a Leap!

2016 is a Leap Year, so we are blessed with one extra day in the year. How will you use your extra dayhunting? Here are some ideas:

Idea #1 - Learn a new outdoor skill. Of course this will be our first choice. Never fished? Have someone who fishes take you. Warm weather or cold, there are plenty of fish and plenty of places to catch them. Never hunted? Do the same. Find someone who hunts and have them take you on one day. Don’t be scared to ask…sometimes you have to ask more than one person. If that happens…contact us. We’ll put you in touch with one of our hunting or fishing pros. They love to introduce people to fishing and hunting!Fishing

Idea #2 - Visit a new place. This is my favorite. As a born and raised Iowan, I am continuously amazed at how many fellow Iowans don’t know all of the cool places there are to visit in this state. They may have traveled across the country, or outside it even, but they couldn’t name three of Iowa’s state parks or have never been to Lake Red Rock or any of our other beautiful lakes and parks.

Idea #3 - Learn to read a map. Forget about the phone GPS or Google Maps or whatever. Start with a free road map at your area rest stop and look at it. Learn your state. Then decide where you’re going to go for Idea #2 above and figure out your route. Then, if you hit a detour, you won’t be led 1.5 hours out of your way by your electronic friend. You can read the blue and gray lines and get there on your own…quicker. From there you can move on to hiking maps, etc., for those hikes you’ll take in #5!

Idea #4 - Try a new taste. Are you one of those people who say “Ew!” at the mention of venison or other game? Yet, you’ve never tried it. Find someone to give you a small amount of ground venison, like a pound, and cook it up for spaghetti or some baked pasta.

Idea #5 - Take a hike…or at least a walk around the block. If you’re not an outdoors person, try it. Start by walking around the block and see where it takes you. Fresh air, exercise…you’ve heard it all before.

Idea #6 - Plant a garden. Start small so you’re not overwhelmed. Plant for yourself and plant to share. You can start the seeds indoors.

February is American Heart Month. It’s a perfect time to take that extra day to start on a journey of enjoying the outdoors, being healthier, and learning new things.

Take a leap into something new. You can start any day, not just on THE Leap Day (February 29), but that will be a memorable starting point.

It will do your heart and mind good.


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