Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Product Spotlight - Bug-A-Salt for Christmas!

Take back your patio!

Your “gotta have” present for this Christmas! The only bad thing is, if you live in the Midwest, you have to wait for the flies to show up to use it!

The Bug-A-Salt has provided an easy way to rid our patio of those pesky flies, while trying to enjoy an Iowa summer. No smashing or fly guts left behind. The Bug-A-Salt shoots regular table salt - a salt holder has a capacity good for 80 shots and each shots uses just a pinch of salt to stun and blast that fly without leaving a nasty mess.

It really does work! My husband has become quite an expert - a simple pump cocking handle, with a safety switch, no batteries, and a 3 ft. range. It’s not a toy and is for 18 years of age or older.

You’ll find it in our Camping Department at Bass Pro Shops Altoona!


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